Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bullying Skits

This term is such a long term that we have two inquiry topics and the first is bullying.  There are four different types of bullying, physical, verbal, exclusion and cyber.  Some children wrote skits around these types of bullying.

The Power of One show that we saw last term taught us about the types of bullying and the people who  take part.

Our skits had to have a bully, a target, a Power of one person, and a bystander.  Most of us had a narrator as well.  The narrator helped to hold the story together.

Some of us wrote our own skits and some of us wrote with a buddy.  Our skits had to be short simple and punchy to hook the audience in and get the message across.  we had to decide on the scene - where our skit took place, and when we were writing it  we had to use dialogue instead for the narrator telling the story.

We had to choose our own characters from people in the class and everybody had something to do.

We had to practice lots before we performed to the class and then we had auditions to see whose skits would be performed in assembly.  Mrs Tobin chose one of each type of bullying.

To identify our characters we made head-bands with 'bully', 'target', etc on.  This helped the audience know who people were.

Here are our wonderful skits that we performed in assembly.

We're trying to add our videos to the BLOG but are having some technical difficulties - keep watching.


  1. I thought your skits were terrific! Perhaps some of you will be playwrights one day?? Ms. D.

  2. Hi Room 6. Well I have certainly got a lot of reading to do on your blog. I had your other blog saved to my favourites and was checking that each day but it wasn't being updated. Now I know why - I found this one through the Bradford School website. I look forward to reading your next blog.
    Michelle (Ryan's mum) :o)
