Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome back

Here's Room 6 and they have had a great start to 2011.  We took lots of photos at places all around the school but we liked this one best.  We're on our new playground equipment.

Lately we have been learning that we have the power to make our learning space better.  We are doing this by maybe having class meetings, getting a class pet, having a construction table, and more.  We are in groups and we have to find out what we want.

Our maths subject for this term is measurement.  Today we did perimeter and it's real easy.

We have been helping to design the class timetable.  We talked lots about when people learn best.  We had to fit in maths, reading and writing as well as all the fun stuff.  It was quite hard.

It sounds like everybody had a great holiday.  Some people even went over-seas - lucky.

Now we're busy practicing for the cross country at Balmacewen. We're all enjoying Room 6! The best room in the school.

Bloggers - Sam & Ryan    


  1. Room 6 - you are a great looking bunch! It sounds like you are going to be rather busy this term. Good luck with your training for the cross country.
    Michelle (Ryan's mum) :o)

  2. Hi Room 6... what a great class photo! How did you get the playground equipment to stay so still? Looking forward to hearing how your new learning timetable works out!

  3. You do have the power for so many things Room 6 - I think you are going to have an amazing year guys, yipee! Ms. D

  4. We really like reading about what you are up to. At the moment we are looking at other peoples blogs to see what we want to develop on ours.
    From the Best Class at Bradford School
