Sunday, August 21, 2011


We had our first session of gymnastics with Ginny today and it was fun.  We got the mats out and we had to do lots of balancing.

Here Alex is balancing on his bottom and keeping his feet off the ground.

Here Jeannie and Katelyn have their feet together and they are holding hands and leaning back as far as they can
This is a picture of Katelyn P balancing on one hand and one foot.  She stayed like this for ages.
This activity was fun.  We had to put our feet together and then push hard and lift our bottoms off the ground.

Gymnastics with Ginny was fun.


  1. My goodness these actvities look rather tricky. I won't even try to attempt any of them at home.
    Have a great week Room 6.
    Michelle (Ryan's mum) :o)

  2. Some action packed photos there of your gymnastics learning Room 6. Looks like some of them involved a bit of trust as well.
    Mrs MB
