Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Whole School Fitness

This term we have been put into Whanau Groups.  The groups names are Pikorua (friendship), Koru (new life / learning), Matau (determination / leadership), and Manawa (heart).  There are some kids from every class in each group and we all have a group colour.  Pikorua's colour is blue.  Koru's colour is green.  Matau's colour is orange.  And Manawa's colour is red.

Some of the kids in Room 6 have organised a whole school fitness programme that happens at 12.15 each day.  We all go in our Whanau groups and do the fitness.  The activities are Jump Jam, walking, skipping, and obstacle course.  We do each activity for 3 minutes and then Mrs Tobin blows her whistle to tell us that it's time to move on to the next activity.

It's really, really fun.  We like being the leaders.  All of us Room 6 kids are going to get a go at being leader.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome Back to Term 3

We were very excited today because we all received a letter from Taylor - (Taylor and Jack left last term to go and live in Christchurch).  Everyone got a letter - Taylor must have been very busy writing them.  We enjoyed reading them.  She told us about her house, her new school, her neighbourhood and the earthquakes.  She has had a couple of earthquakes and she finds them really scary.

This week, we are all going to write letters back.

Our value for the term is 'Kia Runga Rawa - Aim High' and this week our goal is to set SMART goals for ourselves.  We have decided to have a whole class goal and it looks like this:
     S = specific  (do we clearly understand what we want to achieve?  Yes - plan, write and publish a letter to Taylor)
     M = measurable  (we will know if we have met our goal by having our letter finished by Friday)
     A = achievable  (can it be done, is our task something we can complete?  Yes!)
     R = relevant  (is there a purpose for our writing, is it important to us?  We want to reply to the letters Taylor sent us)
     T = time (we need to get our letters finished by Friday)

And we are all thinking of a creative way to publish them.

 Mrs Tobin wants to know where Jack's letters are - perhaps he is still writing them.